Halal Grilled Chicken Breast DinnerC$19.95SidePlease chooseHerb Roasted PotatoesMashed PotatoesGrilled VegetablePlease chooseDelivery DatePlease choose a dateAdditional (Allergies, Sauces & Etc )Enter your textQuantity:6Minimum purchase quantity: 6 items Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itHalal Grilled Chicken Breast DinnerProduct DetailsHalal Grilled Chicken Breast served with quality Rice. Enjoy a side of Herb Roasted Potatoes Or Mashed Potatoes and Garden Salad. Choose The Following Sides & Options Side: Herb Roasted Potatoes or Mashed Potatoes & Grilled Vegetables. Minimum Order Of 6 All disposables are environmentally friendly Not included in the price Cancellation policy 24 hour notice or subject to 50% surcharge Golden Quality Catering Inc. owns and reserves all images on this website.Show More