Jerk ChickenC$19.95Additional (Allergies, Sauces & Etc )Enter your textQuantity:6Minimum purchase quantity: 6 items Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itJerk ChickenProduct DetailsBone in 1/4 Jerk chicken served with Caribbean Coconut Bean rice and Garden Salad. Minimum Order Of 6 All disposables are environmentally friendly Not included in the price Cancellation policy 24 hour notice or subject to 50% surcharge Golden Quality Catering Inc. owns and reserves all images on this website. Show MoreYou May Also LikeCookie PlatterCookie PlatterGarden SaladGarden SaladMix BeveragesMix Beverages