Meat TacosC$5.95FlavorsBeefChickenVeggieAdditional (Allergies, Sauces & Etc )Enter your textQuantity:10Minimum purchase quantity: 10 items Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itMeat TacosProduct DetailsBeff, chicken, and ViegieeTacos Including Tasty Flavors Filled With Traditional Ingredients, Mexican Recipes &Salsa Sauce. Minimum order of 10 All disposables are environmentally friendly Not included in the price Cancellation policy 24 hour notice or subject to 50% surcharge All images on this website are owned and reserved by Golden Quality Catering IncShow MoreYou May Also LikePastry PlatterPastry PlatterVegetable PlatterVegetable PlatterChicken SatayChicken Satay